IMG_5851The great majority of the butterflies in the aviary come from butterfly breeding farms and arrive in the form of chrysalises. The farms are in Central America, South America and Asia. These farms are “fair trade”. They participate in nature conservation while also promoting fair trade. The profits allow the local communities to develop their remote regions.

It also makes them aware more than ever that the forest is a resource worth protecting.

When the chrysalises arrive (300 a week), and after they have been checked, they are delicately placed in a hatching box in which humidity and heat are minutely regulated. Situated in the middle of the greenhouse, the births take place every day and right under your eyes.

Our wish for you to discover the butterflies of our region has led us to present them and their feeder plants to you. The objective is to favour biodiversity. We explain how you can protect the butterflies of our regions. By small simple gestures you too can encourage their presence in your own garden.